REMINDER: I don’t offer last minute extra credit or deals to round up your grade. This is a good time to check Eschool for missing work.
Block Day, 11/20-11/21: Second Draft Due + Guest Speaker + Essay Work Day
HW: Community Service Time Sheets Due 12/3
Final Draft: Due Tuesday, 12/3. FYI--10 point late penalty + Incomplete (0%) if more than a page short of required length.
Friday, 11/22: Debrief Guest Speaker + Straight Privilege + Skit
SKIT: No homophobic, racist or other bigoted language.
ACT 1: A student is made to feel unwelcome at Redwood. This could be because of their sexual orientation, their gender identity, race, economic status, political opinion, religion, or another reason. Check in with me once you decide.
What does this look like?
How does it make the student feel?
Why is this important and not just something they should "just get over"?
ACT 2: What can you as students do about this?
What about the staff?
What does being an “upstander” look like in this situation?
Monday, 12/2: Last Essay Work Day
HW: Community Service Time Sheets Due 12/3
Final Draft: Due Tuesday, 12/3. FYI--10 point late penalty + Incomplete (0%) if more than a page short of required length.
Tuesday 12/3: Final Draft Due + Healthy Relationships Guest Speaker
Block, 12/4-12/5: Consent Workshop
Friday, 12/6: Planned Parenthood on STIs
Block Day, 11/20-11/21: Second Draft Due + Guest Speaker + Essay Work Day
HW: Community Service Time Sheets Due 12/3
Final Draft: Due Tuesday, 12/3. FYI--10 point late penalty + Incomplete (0%) if more than a page short of required length.
Friday, 11/22: Debrief Guest Speaker + Straight Privilege + Skit
SKIT: No homophobic, racist or other bigoted language.
ACT 1: A student is made to feel unwelcome at Redwood. This could be because of their sexual orientation, their gender identity, race, economic status, political opinion, religion, or another reason. Check in with me once you decide.
What does this look like?
How does it make the student feel?
Why is this important and not just something they should "just get over"?
ACT 2: What can you as students do about this?
What about the staff?
What does being an “upstander” look like in this situation?
Monday, 12/2: Last Essay Work Day
HW: Community Service Time Sheets Due 12/3
Final Draft: Due Tuesday, 12/3. FYI--10 point late penalty + Incomplete (0%) if more than a page short of required length.
Tuesday 12/3: Final Draft Due + Healthy Relationships Guest Speaker
Block, 12/4-12/5: Consent Workshop
Friday, 12/6: Planned Parenthood on STIs
Monday 12/9: Puberty Research Project Roll Out
Menstruation (notice that this link has 5 subsections, each of which a student could focus on in his presentation)
Women and Their Eggs: How Many and For How Long?
At least one culture’s girl to woman ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
Puberty Around Age 10: A New Normal?
How Do Birth Control Pills Work?
At least one culture’s girl to woman ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
5 Stages of Puberty: Boys
Breaking Voices, an explainer from BBC
At least one culture’s boy to man ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
Teen Acne: How to Treat It (This topic obviously applies to every teen and is included as generally useful puberty-related advice)
10 Things Women Should Know about Male Hormones (this topic goes beyond puberty to later life; pick what you consider the most interesting parts of the Top 10 list, you don’t have to do all 10).
At least one culture’s boy to man ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
Tuesday, 12/10: PR students Condom Demo
Block Day 12/11-12/12: Work Day
REMINDER: Everybody in class must ask at least one question. This means that you will definitely get asked to explain more than what is on your slide.
You will be graded partially on how you handle the Q and A.
Tip: When you are done with your slide, pretend someone else is presenting it. What 3 questions would you ask of the presenter?
Friday, 12/13: Work Day
Monday, 12/16: Last work day Slide Show + Notes due on Google Classroom.
Final Exam Day--Present + be ready to talk about your community service project
- Memorize and rehearse. Have the notecard in your pocket just in case, but REHEARSE.
- Put your name on your slide. Designate someone to post to the whole slide show to Classroom by the last class day before finals. Monday, December 16.
- Create a one page minimum Google Doc with your notes and 3-5 sources (footnotes) + your name. Submit it on Classroom by the last class day before finals. Monday, December 16.
- Be ready to answer questions about your topic. You are the experts and you will get questions from the audience.
- RESEARCH: Follow the links. Make sure somebody on your team covers all of these sources. You’re in large groups—divide up the information and become experts on your section.
- Every student musk ask one question on presentation day, so expect to get at least one question.
- These are not the only sources you should use, but they are places to start.
- If you’re confused or worried that a visual on your slide might be offensive, ask a classmate, then ask the teacher. This is a good opportunity to learn from each other.
Menstruation (notice that this link has 5 subsections, each of which a student could focus on in his presentation)
Women and Their Eggs: How Many and For How Long?
At least one culture’s girl to woman ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
Puberty Around Age 10: A New Normal?
How Do Birth Control Pills Work?
At least one culture’s girl to woman ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
5 Stages of Puberty: Boys
Breaking Voices, an explainer from BBC
At least one culture’s boy to man ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
Teen Acne: How to Treat It (This topic obviously applies to every teen and is included as generally useful puberty-related advice)
10 Things Women Should Know about Male Hormones (this topic goes beyond puberty to later life; pick what you consider the most interesting parts of the Top 10 list, you don’t have to do all 10).
At least one culture’s boy to man ceremony/ritual. Check in with the other group to make sure you’re not duplicating their research.
Tuesday, 12/10: PR students Condom Demo
Block Day 12/11-12/12: Work Day
REMINDER: Everybody in class must ask at least one question. This means that you will definitely get asked to explain more than what is on your slide.
You will be graded partially on how you handle the Q and A.
Tip: When you are done with your slide, pretend someone else is presenting it. What 3 questions would you ask of the presenter?
Friday, 12/13: Work Day
Monday, 12/16: Last work day Slide Show + Notes due on Google Classroom.
- Put notes and slide show on Google Classroom.
- Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Present it to a partner and have that partner ask you 3 questions. If you can’t answer the question, you need to do more research.
- Check in with me.
- Make suggested changes.
Final Exam Day--Present + be ready to talk about your community service project